How to play Katha Story on Phone using Alexa App?
This video is a step-by-step guide for you to enable and play Katha Story on Phone using Alexa App.
🔗 Step 1: Granting Permission
The first step involves visiting the link: . Once there, click on "Enable." Your ID associated with your Alexa account should appear. Click "I agree" to enable the skill.
🔊 Step 2: Activating the Skill
Return to your active Alexa app and tap on the blue icon. When prompted for permission, click "Continue" to grant access to the microphone. Choose your preferred language—English and Hindi.
🗣️ Step 3: Interacting with Alexa
Now, say "Launch Story." Alexa will respond, and on your app, you'll see a screen displaying: "Welcome to Katha Story from 300M. We have stories available in various regional languages." You can ask, "Tell me the stories that are available?" or "Tell me the name of the story you want to play."
📚 Step 4: Selecting Stories
Alexa will provide options like "Plain in Hindi," "How to Weigh an Elephant", "Rukma and the Sea” and so on. Choose the story you want to hear by saying its name.
🔔 Step 5: Enjoy the Story
Now, sit back and enjoy the Katha Story in action with children as Alexa begins narrating your selected story.
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Last modified: Monday, 1 January 2024, 5:26 PM